Mobirise Website Builder

the real estate
value boosters

developers | realtors
owners | buyers | sellers
investors / ROI

Mobirise Website Builder
Securing Your Rights To Max Real Estate Value

Interpreted & Applied In Response To Local Context
(Latin res object/matter/ 'contextus' = 'a joining together')

Maximizing Property Value
RESCONTEXT will walk that tricky tightrope between detrimental laws and bureaucracy constraints for you.
Your best interest in mind we interpret land use/ zoning bylaws, numerous (building-) codes and apply relevant engineering, architecture, urban design, financial matters, political, public concerns regarding all of your property's context.

Combining 30+ years of negotiation proficiency with North American & European governments (AHJ's) in support of 400+ real estate projects on both continents RESCONTEXT is comprised of engineers - architects - urbanists.

Regulations Assessments By Governments/ authorities (AHJ's = Authorities Having Jurisdiction), planning departments, regional districts, cities, municipalities) can have unanticipated negative impact on real estate value.

Laws Are Subject To Interpretation
Professional training and expertise are essential to identify which laws and regulations are applicable in what context. Their impact on maximum use or development in general can be decisive.

As to WHAT is possible on a property can vary depending on planning department, city, town staff, realtor, builder, contractor and/or current competency.

2nd Opinion Advisable
RESCONTEXT analyzes real estate objects and potential without personal and/or business agenda.

Control The Narrative
How a development or project will be perceived by AHJ's and may qualify to applicable laws - to our professional experience- appears to be a

One Shot Opportunity


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Zoning & Bylaws, Usage Type, Height Limit, Lot Coverage, Density
= Ratio Useable Space To Total Space  

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Location, Neighborhood, Access (Foot-Car-Public-Transport-) Connections
= Taking Advantage Of Context
= Putting Property To Maximum Use   

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Usability, Building Performance, Appearance, Architecture, Style

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Sustainability, Green Space, Orientation (Weather, Sun, Wind) Landscape Architecture

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Cleanliness, Easy On The Eye, Curb Appeal VS Real Value

Let Us Surprise You
Higher, bigger, smarter: RESCONTEXT will maximize your real estate value!

Owners, developers, buyers (= future owners), devisees, co-owners, realtors benefit from a higher real estate appraisal for a multitude of endeavors. 


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1. Developers, Investors

Edge Over Bidding Competition
Maximize Ratio Useable Space To Total Space
Cutting Edge Solutions/ Design Rationales
Obtain Comprehensive Professional Analysis Prior To Purchase  

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2. Owners

Optimize Real Estate Sales/ Listing Value
Increase Your Financing Power/ Mortgage
Invest, Buy Stocks, Start A New Business
Diversify Your Property With Additional Complimentary Use 

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3. Realtors

Increase Real Estate Sales Speed
Increase Sales Price & Fee
Career Boost 

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4. Buyers = Future Owners

Land Outstanding Real Estate Deals
Armed With RESCONTEXT Memo
Edge Over Bidding Competition
Peace Of Mind: Identify Potential & Future Property Detriments 

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5. Real Estate Litigation Lawyer

RESCONTEXT Delivers Supporting Professional Documentation For Dispute Resolution, e.g.: Calculations, Design Rationale, Construction Consultation, Technical Reports

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6. Co-Owner, Inherited Property, Devisee

Peace Of Mind - No Regrets:
Clarify Actual Property Value By Independent Professional Assessment


What is setting RESCONTEXT apart?

Working for you no matter where you or your property is located our service includes ONLINE CONSULTING for properties worldwide.

RESCONTEXT clients are well equipped for their (development) project journey by utilizing our must-have comprehensive project analysis. 

RESCONTEXT Team is comprised of construction industry professionals managed by
Architect AIBC Armin Maerkl MArch and Architect AIBC Gina Maerkl MArch

Listening To Our Clients
RESCONTEXT will brief you on how to achieve your specific property visions and needs within the legal, engineering, architectural, urban planning context, financial perimeters & constraints, and boosting your property value at the same time.

Land Great Real Estate Deals
Armed with RESCONTEXT memo package property buyers are dominating the negotiation/purchasing process.

Risk Management
Our research and analysis include identifying current or future potential negative impacts on property value.

Professional Interpretation Of Codes, Bylaws and Definitions
RESCONTEXT will communicate a client’s desired outcome to governments, government staff via contextual and law-abiding narrative, aka design rationale. When it comes to negotiations with Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) RESCONTEXT clients are well represented: Architects are considered main interpreters of building codes, bylaws and definitions. Our uniquely qualified team acquired bylaw and land-use negotiation expertise on the two continents over many years.

Convincing Project Approval Rate
RESCONTEXT's top project approval rate is based on our ability to get it right first time.  


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Laws & Legal Wording Are Subject To Interpretation
RESCONTEXT analyses relevant applicable legislation to identify and utilize VAGUE or INCONSISTANT definitions or regulations

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Based on many years of interpretation & negotiating practice with AHJ's, officials, planning department staff RESCONTEXT developed a unique methodology

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Potential opposition & concerns (public, political, neighbors, activists) by compelling design rationale, master plans, photo realistic renderings, movies
(May be used as sales brochures) 

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The Unique RESCONTEXT Strategy
Enables AHJ's to a positive stance towards RESCONTEXT proposals WITHIN the framework of CURRENT LEGISLATION (development, rezoning, permit)  

A Win-Win Outcome!


RESCONTEXT will clear the path for property owners, sellers worldwide:
Identifying and negotiating the property's legal context for you.
So you don't have to.

Securing your rights to develop your property to its full extent in context of related legal and construction matters.

RESCONTEXT's design rationale will identify the most profitable usage including future developments.
Know what is permitted for your real estate object - before your project designer starts working.

Save Time And Money

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Complying with all applicable local regulations & laws regarding architectural services 

RESCONTEXT Team Competency Includes:

Master Planning, City Planning, Urban Design
Building Science, Structural, Building Envelope, Roof
Climate Friendly Sustainability Solutions
Civic, Access Road Planning, Sewer, Septic Systems, Utilities
3D Computer Models/ Fly-Through, Walk-Through...
Photorealistic Renderings Readily Illustrating Planning Objectives


Prerequisite Of The RESCONTEXT Service Is A Comprehensive Project Definition

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According to Client's 'Needs & Desired Results' RESCONTEXT is offering tailored professional fees & contracts

Hourly Fee
Excellent contract until the project can be properly and thoroughly defined
(fees plus disbursements costs for travel, copies. Clients to pay all fees, costs/fees for development-, rezoning-, building permits)

Contingency Fee
tied to the success or failure of your project endeavor
If the design is successful our fee is calculated as a percentage of the gain on value of the property.
(Gain of value = New market value appraisal minus pre-design market value appraisal.
Clients to pay all fees - development-, rezoning-, building permits, costs for travel, copies)
If project endeavor fails RESCONTEXT may receive an agreed-upon flat fee or disbursements

Fixed Fee
Clients to pay costs/fees (development-, rezoning-, building permits, costs for travel, copies)

ONE Instance
RESCONTEXT fees include client use of RESCONTEXT design rationale and/or master plan
for ONE instance.

Building design and construction may proceed with a local architectural firm of choice or continue with architectural firm Maerkl Maerkl Architects


RESCONTEXT is a division of maerkl industries limited
Address: 601 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4C2

© Copyright 2023 RESCONTEXT. All Rights Reserved.
Please read this disclaimer ("disclaimer") carefully before using RESCONTEXT website (“website”, "service") operated by maerkl industries ltd ("us", 'we", "our").
The content displayed on the website is the intellectual property of maerkl industries ltd . You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.
All information posted is merely for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information on this website, you do so at your own risk.
While the information on this website has been verified to the best of our abilities, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.
We reserve the right to change this policy at any given time, of which you will be promptly updated. If you want to make sure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this page.
Local Authorities Having Jurisdiction may request additional professional reports and/or engineering and architectural services.